Saturday, January 14, 2023

What is a 10 second click test?

What is a 10 second click test?

A 10 Second Click Test (often abbreviated as 10CT) is a quick and convenient way to understand how accurate and efficient users are when clicking on online links, buttons, or images. It is an online test that measures the user's speed, accuracy and confidence in completing a task. The test uses buttons presented in a 2D grid, which must be clicked as quickly as possible in the space of 10 seconds.

The advantages of using this type of assessment are that it can measure different levels of user performance: from novice to expert. This can help businesses cater their websites to those with specific skill-sets or requirements. In addition, it can help website owners determine which areas of the page are more difficult for users to identify or interact with.

Results from the 10 second click test range from 0 to 1000 points; lower scores indicate a slower response time whereas higher scores reflect greater speed and accuracy. Clicking accuracy ranges between 0% (no clicks were made) and 100% (all buttons clicked correctly). The number of clicks reflects the amount of confidence placed in the user's ability to identify and interact with certain elements on the web page.

The other main benefit is that this type of assessment can be used for tracking performance over time, especially among more experienced users. By monitoring their progress over several sessions, website owners can observe changes in user behaviour while they are interacting with their website and make improvements accordingly.

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